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Micro Japanese Sweet Flag - Acorus gramineus var. 'Chaboskisho'

Micro Japanese Sweet Flag - Acorus gramineus var. 'Chaboskisho'

Regular price $47.29 USD
Regular price Sale price $47.29 USD
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Taxonomic Name: Acorus gramineus var. 'Chaboskisho'

Common Name: Micro Japanese Sweet Flag

Plant Quick Facts:

💡 Light: Medium Direct Light

💧 Watering: Every Week

💨 Humidity: High

🌡️ Temperature: 60-85°F

🌎 Soil: Consistently Moist and Rich

💊 Fertilizing: Once every 6 months

✂️ Pruning/Trimming: Remove dying 

🪲 Pests/Diseases: None

📐 Size: 4-5” Tall and Wide

⏱️ Growth Speed: Very Slow

This variety of Micro Sweet Flag is as rare as it is beautiful. Boasting deep green grass like blades, it slowly grows upward and outward as it forms a small mound. This extremely slow growth speed allows it to become a well-behaved addition to the fore or mid ground hardscape features in a terrarium, or as an accent in a Wabi-Kusa arrangement. It should be noted that however, that like most Sweet Flag species, it enjoys very wet soil and has no problem being grown emerged. Quick to root and slow to grow are the keywords on what to expect.

  • All our plants are cultivated in house, using our own line of soils and plant care products.
  • Most of our plants are sold in a fully rooted state with at least 4 mature leaves - This allows the safe delivery of each order and allow for the quickest acclimation upon arrival.
  • We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure your plant thrives in its new environment.
  • Feel free to reach out to us for any questions or concerns regarding plant care or product information.
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