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ND Select Isopod Colonies: Sowbugs (Woodlice)

ND Select Isopod Colonies: Sowbugs (Woodlice)

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Note: Effective 10/23, all plants and cultures require a heat pad added to cart in order to complete purchase.

ND Select Isopod Colonies: Sowbugs (Woodlice) - the perfect addition to enhance your bioactive terrarium environments! Each 8oz container contains a thriving Sowbug colony, meticulously raised to assist in cultivating a diverse and balanced ecosystem within your enclosure.

Sowbugs, also known as Woodlice, are nature's recyclers, diligently breaking down decaying matter and ensuring your terrarium stays clean and free from organic waste. These exceptional terrestrial crustaceans are a valuable asset to your terrarium setup, contributing to the well-being of your plants and terrarium inhabitants.

Key features of our Isopod Colonies: Sowbugs:

Sowbugs are masters of waste decomposition, preventing unsightly debris accumulation.

They promote superior soil aeration, resulting in healthier plant growth and root systems.

Bid farewell to issues like mold - Sowbugs maintain a harmonious ecosystem.

Our colonies are responsibly sourced and bred, ensuring the preservation of these beneficial microorganisms.

Whether you're a seasoned terrarium enthusiast or just starting your journey, our Sowbug colonies are a crucial component of a successful bioactive setup. Don't miss the opportunity to provide the best care for your terrarium's inhabitants. Order your ND Select Isopod Colonies: Sowbugs (Woodlice) today and experience the marvel of a self-sustaining, thriving terrarium ecosystem!

The ND Select line of products are professionally curated, hand selected, or company developed listings. This means you are getting a product with proven success, because we use it too!

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