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ND Select Isopod Colonies: Springtails (Collembola)

ND Select Isopod Colonies: Springtails (Collembola)

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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ND Select Isopod Colonies: Springtails. Inside each 8oz container, you'll discover a thriving Springtail colony, combined with horticultural charcoal, designed to nurture the perfect environment for your bioactive terrarium crews.

These tiny terrestrial crustaceans are nature's cleanup crew, working tirelessly to break down decaying matter, keeping your terrarium clean and free from mold and decay.

Key features of our Isopod Colonies:

Springtails keep your terrarium free from debris, ensuring a pristine appearance.

The horticultural charcoal promotes robust plant growth and root health.

Say goodbye to mold and unwanted pests - your ecosystem will flourish under their care.

Our colonies are sustainably sourced, making your terrarium not just beautiful but responsible as well.

Whether you're a seasoned terrarium enthusiast or a beginner, our Springtail colonies are essential components for a successful bioactive setup. Elevate your terrarium's health and aesthetics today. Order your ND Select Isopod Colonies: Springtails and witness the magic of a self-sustaining, thriving ecosystem!

The ND Select line of products are professionally curated, hand selected, or company developed listings. This means you are getting a product with proven success, because we use it too!

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